Coup D'état
Think of your lives as leaves,
...One life, one leaf
Each death a fall off a tree,
Ponder your veins, the infrastructure
That feeds you. One day the body's
Roads will be blocked, traffic stopped
And some voice will shout above the din
Or whisper,elections are over,
...The state dissolved.
No one's in command now.
The guards will come down
From the watchtowers, officers
In backrooms will shred the files,
And all the citizens of You
Will know it's time to go,
...In quick or slow
Exodus, in grateful fall
Or plummet plunge
A furious leavetaking.
Partaker of what soil had to
Offer, you are now partaken of.
Be neither happy nor sad,
All of you, though some should
Rejoice, who will for once be of use:
Mulch, grub to the tiny and the many,
Those whom you buried will now bury you
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